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Lower Back Pain

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Lower Back Pain

Lower Back pain is now a ubiquitous occurrence, especially with increased weight and decreased activity of people. Pain and dysfunction of lower back as a consequence of increased use of computer and mobile devices, high rate of sitting and insufficient level of physical activity. It can range anywhere from mild to severe and is likely to get worse as time goes by. LBP translates into more absenteeism among employed people which is quite an expensive phenomenon from the side of both employers and employees.


Why Treatment of Lower Back Pain at IPRC Is Better Than Conventional Physical Therapy?

In most cases, traditional back pain management is mostly directed towards specific site of pain rather than the actual cause of dysfunction. For effectiveness and success in treating LBP, treat the cause.

To get to the exact cause of lower back pain, two factors must be identified:

Motor dysfunction:

Due to participation in all movement human body, dysfunction of motor patterns anywhere a kinetic chain may lead to LBP.

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Pain Generation

Referred pain associated with your lower back may originate from a variety of systems within your body. Pain may also be caused by trapping or compressing of nerves at any additional structure.

Some particular moves might also set an inflammation on nerves, muscles of joints in many situations. Identifying the specific structure that may result in reflex pain in your lumbosacral area requires a thorough diagnosis that will unveil the original source of breakdown in load transmission.

Traditional physical therapy emphasizes on non-core strengthening exercises overlooking many other determinants significant in action.

During training at IPRC, we check faulty motor patterns as well as your body’s movement when you are active. We also recognize certain patterns of movement that can lead to the development of it.


IPRC is clinic of choice for lower back pain treatment.

Our therapy at IPRC does not just treat the symptom, but the root cause of the problem. The treatment method we use is to use customized design and treatment approach in treating the conditions diagnosed using the right testing and examinations.

Using a one-size fit all approach in most physical therapy clinics treat you with routine exercise and therapies for lower back pain, failing to show an optimal outcome and appropriate healing. It is not appropriate because it just makes you worse and delays the whole curing procedure. The clinic of choice for LBP in adequate duration eradication of LBP.

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Lower Back Pain Treatment at LEPR

Chiropractic care
Physical therapy
Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS)
McKenzie exercises
Postural re-education and restoration
Myofascial release
Transcutaneous Electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Interferential current therapy (IFC)
Dry needling
We construct individual treatment plans which depend on the peculiarity of patient’s disease. We are here to take away your pain, get to the bottom of your dysfunction and pain to enable you to live a pain-free and active lifestyle


Our treatment includes:

Chiropractic care
Physical therapy
Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS)
McKenzie exercises
Postural re-education and restoration
Myofascial release
Transcutaneous Electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Interferential current therapy (IFC)
Dry needling

We construct individual treatment plans which depend on the peculiarity of patient’s disease. We are here to take away your pain, get to the bottom of your dysfunction and pain to enable you to live a pain-free and active lifestyle


Visit Your Doctor By Private And Secure Video or Phone Call. Protection of your personal information is our priority.

Cost Effective

Avoid the inconvenience and high costs of going to the emergency room or urgent care center.

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Prescriptions Can Also Be Issued Online Without The Need Of Hospital Visit. 

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